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Wesley Wehr
Wesley Wehr
Wesley Wehr

Wesley Wehr

born Everett, Washington, 1929; died Seattle, Washington, 2004
BiographyWes Wehr was an artist, composer, writer and paleontologist, a man of many interests who also was a patron of numerous regional artists. He lived as simply as possible so he could donate his time and material goods to the people and studies he believed in. Wehr studied music at the University of Washington in the 1940s. One of his piano students was the artist Mark Tobey. They became friends and Tobey introduced him to the rest of his circle as well as a wide community of Northwest artists. Wehr eventually began to experiment with art himself and became known as a painter of small abstracted landscapes. He later wrote the book The Eighth Lively Art: Conversations with Painters, Poets, Musicians and the Wicked Witch of the West about the Seattle art community. Wehr also was a poet and an affiliate curator at the Burke Museum winning awards for his paleontology work.

For a detailed obituary visit:

[accessed September 2017]

Person TypeIndividual
  • Everett
  • Seattle
Dorr Bothwell
born San Francisco, California, 1902; died Fort Bragg, California, 2000
Adelaide Hanscom
born Empire City, Oregon, 1876; died Pasadena, California, 1931
Joseph Goldberg
born Seattle, Washington, 1947; died Spokane, Washington, 2017
Johsel Namkung
born South Korea, 1919; died Seattle, Washington, 2013
George Tsutakawa
born Seattle, Washington, 1910; died Seattle, Washington, 1997
Aminah Robinson
born Columbus, Ohio, 1940; died Columbus, Ohio, 2015
Mark Tobey
born Centerville, Wisconsin, 1890; died Basel, Switzerland, 1976
Royal Nebeker
born San Francisco, California, 1945; died Astoria, Oregon, 2014
Norman Courtney
born New Orleans, Louisiana, 1947; died Seattle, Washington, 2017
Irwin Caplan
born Seattle, Washington, 1919; died Seattle, Washington, 2007
Jukodo Yoshikuni
born and died Japan; active circa 1803-1840s