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Jenny Pohlman

Artist Info
Jenny Pohlmanborn Cincinnati, Ohio, 1960

Sabrina Knowles and Jenny Pohlman have worked collaboratively for 17 years. Their work has been exhibited regularly at galleries, including Duane Reed Gallery in St. Louis, Missouri, Friesen Gallery in Sun Valley, Idaho, and Pismo Gallery in Denver. Their work is in the collections of the Museum of American Glass in Millville, New Jersey, the Museum of Glass in Tacoma, Racine Art Museum in Wisconsin, and the Mobile Museum of Art in Alabama. Their work has been published in Metalsmith, New Glass Review, and the Seattle Times, as well as several books on glass art. Knowles and Pohlman have been affiliated with Pilchuck Glass School and Pratt Fine Arts Center throughout their careers.

Pohlman received her Bachelor’s degree from Ohio University then studied at Pratt and Pilchuck.

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Jenny Pohlman