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George Luks
George Luks
George Luks

George Luks

born Williamsport, Pennsylvania, 1867; died New York, New York, 1933
BiographyGeorge Luks studied art at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia and in 1889 in Germany at the Staatliche Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf. He also traveled to Paris and London to look at art. In 1894 he began a career as a newspaper illustrator with the Philadelphia Press. In Philadelphia Luks made friends with the artists William Glackens, Robert Henri, Everett Shinn, and John Sloan, all of who later became part of the group known as The Eight or Ashcan School.

By 1896 Luks had moved to New York to draw illustrations for the New York World. He exhibited with The Eight in 1908 and in the Armory Show in 1913. After teaching at the Art Students League from 1920 to 1924, he started the George Luks School of Painting in New York.

[Source: The Phillips Collection artist biographies]
Person TypeIndividual
  • Williamsport
  • New York
John Sloan
born Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, 1871; died Hanover, New Hampshire, 1951
Joseph Hirsch
born Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1910; died New York, New York, 1981
Jon Corbino
born Vittorio Veneto, Italy, 1905; died Sarasota, Florida, 1964
William James Glackens
born Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1870; died Westport, Connecticut, 1938
Robert Henri
born Cincinnati, Ohio, 1865; died New York, New York, 1929
Arthur Bowen Davies
born Utica, New York, 1862; died Florence, Italy, 1928
Ernest Lawson
born Halifax, Canada, 1873; died Miami Beach, Florida, 1939
Ernest L. Blumenschein
born Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1874; died Taos, New Mexico, 1960
Alexander Archipenko
born Kiev, Ukraine, 1887; died New York, New York, 1964
Kenneth Frazier
born Paris, France, 1867; died Garrison, New York, 1949
Charles Deas
born Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1818; died New York, New York, 1867