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Roger Shimomura

Artist Info
Roger Shimomuraborn Seattle, Washington, 1939

Roger Shimomura was born in Seattle, Washington and spent two early years of his childhood in Minidoka (Idaho), one of 10 concentration camps for Japanese Americans during WWII. He received a B.A. degree from the University of Washington, Seattle, and an M.F.A. from Syracuse University, New York. He has had over 150 solo exhibitions as well as presented his experimental theater pieces at such venues as the Franklin Furnace, New York City, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, and The Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. He taught at the University of Kansas, Lawrence for 35 years before retiring from teaching in 2004. He has been the recipient of numerous grants and has lectured on his work at universities and museums across the country. In 2002 he received the College Art Association’s Distinguished Body of Work award and has received the Kansas Governor’s Art Award among others. His work is in the permanent collections of over 100 museums nationwide including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Whitney Museum of American Art, National Portrait Gallery & Smithsonian American Art Museum. His personal papers and letters are being collected by the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, in Washington, D.C.

For additional information and artworks visit the artist’s website: [accessed Jan. 2021]

[info source: artist’s website]

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